Dr. Sears tips for battling school-related bathroom issues

children at school

As a parent of 8, grandfather of 15, a pediatrician for more than 50 years, and the author of Dr. Poo, the Scoop on Comfortable Poop, Bill Sears, M.D has encountered many school-related bathroom issues. In this Alternative Health Magazine article he shared his top tips for surviving the most common issues. We were honored when he suggested using Sunfiber for youngsters suffering belly aches from irregularity or bathroom anxiety.

“Parents are sometimes surprised when their children won’t use a school bathroom, and they’re often just as perplexed about how to solve the problem.

When my kids were in school, bathroom anxiety and belly aches from irregularity were an occasional problem. But with grandchildren, these are intensified with increased amount of processed, constipating foods available to them. Regularity is such a huge issue that my wife Martha Sears, R.N. and I wrote “Dr. Poo: The Scoop on Comfortable Poop.” It provides the same tips and resources I give to our own children and grandchildren for how to poo better.

Admittedly, “So, how is your poop…” is probably never going to become a favorite topic of dinner conversation. But one reason why kids won’t go number 2 at school is they would rather play than spend any extra time sitting on the potty.

Today we have some great hacks such as “invisible” fiber to put into what they are already eating and drinking so going to the bathroom is much more comfortable. Our family prefers kid-friendly fibers, such as Sunfiber or Regular Girl, that don’t cause extra gas or bloating. The great thing about one of these is if they have to go number 2, they are more likely to go right away. They won’t be straining to try to hurry the process.”

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