Most children diagnosed with ADHD have poor sleep quality. That can results in poor school performance, missed classes, hyperactive behavior and moodiness problems. Research shows that Suntheanine helps to improve the quality of sleep, reduce hyperactive behaviors and improve cognitive performance in children with ADHD.
A published University of British Columbia study found that giving good-tasting, chewable supplements containing Suntheanine may help improve your child’s sleep quality without significant side effects. The researchers reassuringly noted that the benefits were consistent among children regardless of whether they were also taking stimulant medication.
This randomized, 10-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, published in “Alternative Medicine Review,” involved 98 boys diagnosed with ADHD, ranging in age from 8-12 years. Participants consumed two chewable tablets twice daily (at breakfast and after school), with each tablet containing 100 mg. of Suntheanine, a patented form of pure L-theanine or a placebo. Their parents completed the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire at baseline and at the end of the treatment period. In addition, the boys were monitored with an Actigraph – a wristwatch-like device that records sleep activity levels and related data.
The Actigraph watch findings indicated that boys who consumed the Suntheanine obtained significantly higher sleep percentage and sleep efficiency scores, along with a non-significant trend for less activity during sleep (defined as less time awake after sleep onset) compared to those in the placebo group.
The researchers noted that the benefits of Tomorrow’s Nutrition Suntheanine were consistent among children regardless of whether they were also taking stimulant medication.