Dietitian showed viewers why they may need a fiber supplement

Erin Judge

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Erin Judge brought a variety of fruits and vegetables to the set of Nashville’s NBC affiliate daytime talk show, Today in Nashville. That’s not a surprise. Judge always encourages people to make healthy food choices. The show’s hosts however were shocked that her colorful display represented just a day’s worth of fiber. This, she explained, is why many of us may need a fiber supplement.


Judge explained that soluble fiber acts as food for the organisms in our gut. This microbiome has a huge impact on our health, supporting our digestion as well as impacting our mental health, immunity and overall wellness. “Our bacteria have to be healthy to do their jobs, just like us,” explained Judge, which is why she suggests eating a variety of whole foods such as legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds. And she advises limiting processed foods. “The problem with it is, it doesn’t have fiber, so we don’t have anything to feed our gut bacteria with,” she explained.


The Institute of Medicine recommends adults consume 25 to 38 grams of fiber each day which Judge visually demonstrated on the set. The amount of kale, broccoli, blueberries and beans shocked the hosts. You can consume this amount daily if you are intentional, she said, “but it’s not easy with our schedules and how busy we are.” She added, “That’s where a fiber supplement, a prebiotic supplement could come in handy.”


We’re thrilled that Judge is a fan of Regular Girl. Not only did she bring it to this TV interview, she included it in her blog’s list of top IBS-friendly brands. The prebiotic fiber in Regular Girl is specially prepared so it won’t cause the excess gas or bloating common with some other soluble fiber supplements. She wrote: What I love about Regular Girl is that it’s so easy to incorporate into your day. Simply mix it up with a cold or room-temp liquid or smoothie and allow the soluble fiber to keep things moving along in the GI tract. They also have travel-size packets to make it easy for trips and when you’re on the go!”  

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