Are you feeding the right fiber to your immune system?

immune system tomorrows nutrition

Eating enough soluble fiber is crucial to immune health. But even though most North Americans are fiber deficient, you may only need an additional 5 to 7 grams of fiber daily, to fill that gap. That is easily done with supplements containing Sunfiber

In their popular new Brainspanners video series on Facebook, functional medicine expert Bryce Wylde teams with holistic nutritionist Andrea Donsky to discuss hot health topics. An episode on gut health and the immune system revealed dietary fiber information that may be surprising to you. 

While you may already know that 80% of the immune system is in our gut, Wylde revealed how that relates to fiber:

  • Probiotics: “These are the good bacteria that confer health benefits.”
  • Prebiotics: “This is the soluble fiber that these good bacteria need to eat to survive.” 
  • Postbiotics: Wylde describes this as essentially, the poop produced by the probiotics. “They emit such things as vitamin B, vitamin K, glutathione (a really important antioxidant) and fulvic acid, which is really important for the immune system.” 

Wylde added, “The good bacteria may make all these important nutrients but only when we feed them the right stuff. Not all soluble fiber is the same.” Wylde and Donsky agreed that they “highly revere Sunfiber” because it is safe and highly tolerable. Plus, it is transparent in water without any changes to taste, texture or smell. “There’s no goop, which is why I love it so much,” said Donsky.

Later in the video, Wylde revealed that using the Bristol Stool Chart is an easy way to know if you are fiber-deficient. Here’s a kid-friendly version. “If yours are anything other than #3 or #4 on this chart, it could indicate dehydration or that you are getting an improper amount of soluble fiber.” 

Bryce Wylde is a leading alternative health expert, compensated to provide his professional opinions.

Andrea Donsky is a Nutritionist, Entrepreneur, Menopause Educator, and Menopause Researcher, compensated to provide her professional opinions.

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